Sunday, September 18, 2011


Welcome to my new blog!  I am one of those people whose friends describe them as a "neat freak" (not sure why that's a bad thing).  I have what I call my aura of organization.  Things magically get cleaner and more organized the longer I'm around them.  I wouldn't say I like cleaning, but I like things to be clean.  I also have the memory of a gold fish so being organized keeps me from losing my car keys or forgetting important appointments.

I realize not everyone has the same organized mind as me, so I'm starting this blog in order to share with the chronically disorganized how I keep my life from exploding.  I'll be kicking it off tomorrow with a solid week of posts called 7 Days to Clean which is a way I've learned to keep my home clean without having to be June Cleaver on meth.  After that, I'll be posting weekly about cleaning and organizing as well as smaller posts with weekly challenges, tips or tricks.

If you'd like to follow along for the first week, the first post for 7 Day to Clean will be up at 3:00 am PST tomorrow morning (No, I won't be up posting at 3 am, thank Blogger for post scheduling).

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