The process is based on creating habits that deal with daily messes with minimal time and effort. You walk through your door and dump everything on the couch or the table because that's the habit you've developed; you don't even think about it. You can retrain yourself simply by making a conscious effort to do small things in a different way, a little at a time.
Crash cleaning is like crash dieting, you might be able to keep it up for the short term but once it's over you'll be too exhausted to do it again any time soon. The idea behind the 7 Days to Clean process is that you're never doing so much at any one time or in anyone day that you get burnt out. Just like you don't think about dropping the mail in one ever growing pile on the coffee table, you won't think about sorting it and putting it away.
- Day 1 - Make Your Bed
- Day 2 - Swift Swipe
- Day 3 - Get the Mail
- Hump Day Half Hour of Housework
- Day 4 - Clutter Control
- Day 5 - Laundry Patrol
- Day 6 - Do the Dishes
- Day 7 - The Full Routine