Thursday, October 13, 2011

Organizing Challenge: Your virtual inbox

I have something like 7 email addresses.  I have two that I actively use and a bunch of random ones that I either had no choice about having (such as my student email address) or set up for the express purpose of collecting junk mail, like the one I created for use when applying for scholarships.  I'm the kind of person who prefers to communicate via email so I end up with quite a number of random things in my inbox.  About every two weeks I like to go through and clean out the flotsam that has collected in there.

Today's challenge is to clean up and consolidate your email inboxes.
  • If you have email addresses you no longer use, cancel them.  
  • If you receive automatic emails that you never look at, open one up and look toward the bottom for the unsubscribe link so that you'll no longer receive them.
  • Create sub folders for various emails that you keep, for example I have one for all things related to college, another for correspondences about my current job search, another for emails that are personal that I want to keep for sentimental reason, and additional folders for information about bills or accounts I keep.
  • Lastly, take the time to set up message rules to automatically sort your email.  If you don't know how to do this, do an internet search for your particular mail program. 

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