Monday, September 26, 2011

I do To Do

I am a list maker.  When my mind feels like it is stuck on loop and I can't sleep I like to make a list of all the stuff I need to do the next day to settle my mind.  I keep a yellow legal pad on my desk at work and every morning I write out my new list for the day and then cross things off as I complete them.  Lists make me feel like I know everything I need to do and I don't have to worry about forgetting something.

The problem with list making is if I really think about everything I have to do I get overwhelmed.  Aside from things like errands, cleaning, and organizing, I usually have more than one project going on at a time.  A couple of years ago I came up with a system to deal with the problem.

First, I found  a good to do list manager that allowed me to create multiple lists and move items between them.  Then I created several lists.  I made a list for life maintenance items such as renewing my license or making an appointment with my dentist.  Then I added a list for errands I need to run such as "go grocery shopping" or "buy a new vacuum filter".  After that I created a list of any home maintenance I needed to do such as mopping the floors or cleaning out the coat closet.  I also made lists for any long-term projects I had going on.

Next, I made a master list for the items I planned to do each day.  I took one item from each list and moved it to the master list.  Most importantly, I gave myself permission to not do any more than that.  Even if all together I've got hundreds of items to do, finishing a few items every day is enough.  This allowed me to stay organized without getting overwhelmed or trying to do so much that I stress myself out.

I am still a happy list maker, but now I don't get mind boggled by everything I've got to do.  I feel productive even only doing a few things each day.  I don't spend the time I should be relaxing thinking about what I have to do. 


  1. What list manager do you use?

  2. I use Awesome Note which is a phone application, but you could also try Remember the Milk. The problem with them is that their phone app only works if you pay for the premium service and I needed something I could have on my "mini brain". You could also just use a spreadsheet with sheets for each list if you want something simple, but it would be less portable.
