Friday, September 23, 2011

7 Days to Clean: Day 5 - Laundry Patrol

You may have been raised with the concept of a laundry day, but by the time that day rolls around you might have heaps of laundry and no clean socks.  My maximum capacity is to wash, dry and fold about 2.5 loads of laundry in any given day which means I end up with a pile of laundry left that I don't feel like folding.  Let's fix that!

First thing in the morning:
  • Make your bed!
  • Swift swipe the bathroom.
  • Throw a load of laundry in the wash
When you get home:
  • Get your mail
  • Throw the clothes in the dryer and while they're drying...
  • Sort your mail
  • Spend 5 minutes clearing a clutter pile
  • Then fold the load of laundry and put it away
If you live alone, doing a load of laundry every day might not be necessary but you could try washing your bedding, rugs, or curtains on a day when you don't have a load of clothes to wash, or just give yourself a day off.  If you have a family you might need to do a little more, but start with one load a day and see how far that gets you. 

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